Jake Lehman, fresh out of law school at NYU, finds himself swept into the political intrigue and moral dilemmas plaguing the nation's capital when he lands in Washington, DC, for a clerkship with the venerable Supreme Court Justice White.
As he begins falling for a fellow clerk--a brilliant and gorgeous Rhodes scholar from Stanford--a political scandal erupts, implicating the president and raising questions of Justice White's bias toward the case.
Set in America's near future, Recusal provides an inside look into presidential pardons, censorship, and recusal issues, drawing on current events to show the gray spaces within judicial ethics.
“...a thumping good read headed for the big screen. Smart legal premise + page-turning style + sweet romance = big box office. Think “Absence of Malice” with Paul Newman and Sally Field. Pass the popcorn.”
–Kitty Kelley, American journalist and author
“...a sort of book that really hadn’t existed until Ron Goldfarb put it together.”
–Karl Menninger, author of Man Against Himself
Ronald Goldfarb, Washington DC attorney, author and literary agent uses the pseudonym R.L. Sommer to distinguish his fiction (Courtship was his first novel, published in 2015) from his extensive (13 books, 600 articles, reviews, and op-eds) non-fiction work. Sommer (Goldfarb) studied at Syracuse University (A.B., LL. B.) and Yale Law School (LLM, JSD), worked for three years as a trial counsel in the U.S. Air Force JAG Corps, and for Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy for four years in the Justice Department prosecuting organized crime cases and in New York as Kennedy's speech writer in the 1964 election. His website (www.ronaldgoldfarb.com) lists his many writings and unique role in public affairs to the present.